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From Mantenno Tsujinoya


Top / Mantenno Tsujinoya News / Notice / Purchased Instagram-worthy items!!
2021.09.13 Category: Notice

Purchased Instagram-worthy items!!

Good morning everyone ☺

Welcome to Mantenno Tsujinoya.

The other day, I purchased two traditional umbrellas that go perfectly with yukata.

Please enjoy taking photos in a yukata using this Japanese umbrella in the garden or at the entrance of our facility (^^♪

All of our staff are eager to be your photographers, so please feel free to reach out to us at any time.

You are free to use the Japanese umbrellas.

In the upcoming season, when the leaves of the trees begin to change color to autumn hues, you can be sure that you'll be able to take wonderful photos.

I may be in work clothes, but I'm very eager to take photos using a traditional Japanese umbrella (laughs)

If you take photos, follow our Instagram or Facebook, and post tagged photos, we will present you with a small gift.

We sincerely look forward to your visit! (^^)/